Risk Workshops
A risk workshop usually comprises
• Establishing the risk context (scope, key objectives, risk environment etc)
• Identification ( brainstorm or suitable methodology)
• Assessment – Semi-quantitative approach to ensure a consistent approach
• Risk prioritisation and assigning risk owners
• Response Planning for key risks
We offer the following services in support of a risk workshop
• Development of the Risk Management Plan, a document which outlines how your team will implement your corporate Risk Process (if available)
• Development of a Risk Breakdown Structure to ensure wide ranging and comprehensive risk identification
• Development of an agenda. We recommend a minimum of 1 day, but preferably 2 to 3 days.
• Development of a list of recommended functions to attend the workshop
• Development of the risk assessment mechanism ( integrated with your corporate system)
• Capturing the risks in a spreadsheet based tool to facilitate upload to a corporate risk system or to manage risks using the spreadsheet.
• Coaching of all attendees in a Learn, Do, Learn environment to build team risk maturity and culture