Manage Your Risks

Manage Your Business Success

Risk Champion Ltd is a leading consultancy specializing in

• Implementation of effective Risk Management at all levels within a business

—Corporate (ERM)

• Risk Workshop facilitation
• Project cost risk analysis
• Project schedule risk analysis
• Decision Making under Uncertainty
• Providing training at all levels in

—Managing Risk
—Cost & Schedule Risk analysis



risk workshops

We are accredited risk facilitators for several International major companies and have run workshops for several hundred billion dollars of major projects, for operating sites, for corporate functions and .boards of directors to highlight the key risks to business success.


view risk workshops

Schedule Risk

project cost & schedule risk analysis

Steve has been building cost risk analysis models since the mid 80' s and schedule risk analysis models since the early 90's. We have a practical and transparent approach that enables our clients to easily understand the main drivers and risks to achieving their cost and schedule outturns.


view cost & schedule risk analysis

Risk Process

risk policy development

It is essential to have a common risk framework across a company to ensure a consistent approach to managing risk. RCL have developed policy and frameworks for several organizations, including ERM policies, project management practices and risk management plans for individual projects.



 view risk policy development


coaching and education

We have tailored risk curriculum for delivery to senior leaders and teams. Within every risk assignment we  strive to provide coaching to improve the competency and capability of the teams we support. Our aim is to help any organization to grow their risk maturity and reduce reliance on external support.


view coaching and education